
Flex Survey possibilities
Flex Survey possibilities
There are a wide range of options available in epic for the design of customized (external or internal) surveys. For example, epic Surveys can be used to solicit customer feedback on service levels, feedback on specific products, internal climate or culture surveys, as well as simple 360’s for Leadership & Management effectiveness etc.

Questionnaires can be designed, customized, and branded (using your logo etc.). A customized ‘Thank-You’ pop up message can be configured in the setup. Bulk uploading of raters & ratees (entities) from a spreadsheet is also available for large surveys. There is an option to make your survey anonymous or not.

During the active period of the survey you can view the progress stats and re-send the survey request as a reminder to those who have not yet responded.
You also have an option to use a URL link that will allow non specified access to the survey. Instead of an email invitation this option would entail you copying and pasting the link to where you need it. This is particularly useful if you are wanting to solicit feedback from participants on a recurring event such as training courses or visits to your facilities.

The General Surveys option can be used if the question format is predominantly a rating scale (eg 1 – 10) and where you have a number of entities being rated where results need to be compared with one another. The option can also accommodate Manual feedback that is then scanned and captured

The Flex Survey option caters for a wide variety of question types. Questionnaire design is made simple with a drag & drop function as well as useful examples to help you decide on which question formats to use. Sentiment analysis (Positive, Neutral or Negative) if chosen, can be useful for open ended answers. A Net Promotor question is available and automatically calculates the NPS score from the results.

Professional looking reports are available, with graphic representation where appropriate, to assist with interpretation. All results can be exported to Excel for further analysis.

Key Functions
  • Many types of questions e.g. Star Rating, Open-Ended, Image, Yes/No, Multiple and Single dropdowns, etc.
  • Flexible layout - choose & create questions and then drag 'n drop them to make the most sense to the survey taker
  • Option to make the survey anonymous or not
  • Professional looking reports with Graphs
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) scored (if used)
  • An option to have open-ended questions analysed for sentiment (Positive; Neutral; Negative) if required

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