Inventory Management 

The Inventory Management feature provides immediate access to Inventory Reports when required.
Inventory Management List
Inventory Management List
Inventory is captured under Category, Location, Unit of Measure, Re-order levels etc. Bar coding capture can also be used. Email reminders are sent when the re-order level is reached reducing the incidents of stock-outs.
Accuracy of stock movement is ensured through
  1. Check-Out Stock (quantity issued with comments)
  2. Check-In Stock (quantity received, current cost and comments)
A history of who captured the items with a date and time stamp is also available.

The following reports are available and can be run for specified time periods.
  • Stock Movement report
  • Re-order report
  • Stock taking report
  • Stock taking (with costs) report

Key Functions
  • Add items with purchase cost & set re-order levels.
  • Manage Item Categories & Storage Locations
  • Ability to capture inventory items on receipt of goods with current cost from the invoice.
  • Barcode scanning – received inventory and check-out inventory movement (reflecting the person performing the transactions along with date & time).
  • Quick view of live inventory history
  • Re-order inventory levels
  • Inventory on hand reports ready for inventory manual count.
  • Stock movement

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