Strategy on a Page
Develop your entire Strategic Plan on a single page using our unique epic Model. Assign Strategic Objectives and monitor progress on the Strategic Dashboard.
Manage Objectives
Develop a ‘Cadence’ of accountability by using the Strategic Dashboard as the agenda at the Strategic Review meeting
Strategy Dashboard
Monitor, manage & drive Strategic Execution from the Strategy Dashboard by 'Holding each Other Accountable" - all of the time.
Strategy KPI Tracker
This feature produces a visual Red-Amber-Green dashboard of performance against strategic KPI's within monthly and year to date timeframes.
Add (or allocate) recurring activities/tasks that include a progress rating option.
Company Videos
Creating and posting training videos for staff to view and subsequently take a test to check levels of understanding.
Performance Appraisal
A full spectrum of KPI scorecard formats to choose from.
Weekly Commitments
An individual and team accountability process that drives the completion of important commitments for the week.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Keep up to date with customer/client information and maintain a history of all interactions.
Supplier Relationship Management
Keep all your company's supplier information together in one place & stay on top of documentation requirements including reminders of upcoming expiry dates.
A wide range of options are available in epic for the design of customised surveys.
Staff Survey
Solicit feedback from staff via a staff survey that includes Manager’s responses & enriches one-on-one manager/staff development discussions.
Rate My Service (RMS)
A link from your email footer that allows recipients to provide feedback via a customised questionnaire.
360° Review
Customisable & comprehensive 360 design options based on universal best practice.
A range of options available for you to design and build your company dashboards customised to your specific needs.
A simple, engaging, and transparent way of acknowledging a colleague or staff member who you would like to thank, or who has done something exceptional.
Managers can ‘assign’ deadline driven items using this feature.
Onboarding & Offboarding
Win the hearts and minds of new employees by integrating them into your organisation through a consistent, smooth and efficient onboarding & offboarding processes.
Individuals can link their Objectives to Projects and this allows the designated Project Manager to produce an up to date Project Report reflecting relevant activity & progress. Additional functionality includes Timesheets and a Risk Register
Leave Management
A simple way of managing staff leave online - from requesting & approving leave to advanced features such as viewing leave balances.
Tender Management
Improve tender hit rate by assigning staff to tenders & by having quick access to live reports, full history and statistics.
Travel Authorisation
A paperless method of managing all travel-related authorisations.
Asset Register
This feature helps you manage company assets effectively.
Inventory Management
Manage all aspects of inventory to ensure accuracy of stock movement with immediate access to reports as and when required.
Risk Register
Develop a comprehensive Risk Register for your Company at a Strategic Level, and/or at Project level, including Risk dashboards for ease of reference as well as a process to mitigate identified risks
Chat Room
The epic chat room feature is simple & uses minimal data as it does not involve video or audio (chats are text enabled) & a full post chat transcript is available.
Engage all staff in a continuous improvement process.
Training Needs Analysis
Create a Training Needs template for staff who can view what training is on offer and make requests according to their needs and interests.
Weekly Timesheets
This feature provides a paperless and automated method of completing weekly timesheets and publishing a consolidated report linked to a project.
Periodic Timesheets
This feature provides a paperless and automated method of capturing and signing off periodic / shift work timesheets.
Fleet Management
A simple online & paperless way to manage fleet vehicle authorisations and allocations.
Deadlines & Events
View deadlines and events captured in epic on a personalized Calendar with links to each item for quick & easy updating
See Something, Say Something
Drive a culture of Pro-active reporting & reduce the number of incidents as a result. This feature provides a simple way for all staff to report concerns or potential incidents and the person responsible is notified immediately.
Company Poll
Set up a quick Company Poll for Epic Users & get live results as the responses come in.
Meeting Management System
Use this process to ensure your meetings have maximum impact and a history of information is easily accessable at the click of a button.
Live / Pulse Surveys
Run a quick ‘Pulse’ survey to get instant feedback at your meeting or conference
Staff Directory
Create a staff directory & generate an organogram of all epic users in your company, including Names & Faces, at the click of a button.
Staff Records, Company Documents
This feature provides quick access to essential company documents & staff records.
Participation Points Lucky Draw
A Recognition & Reward Competition based on Participation Points
Staff Card
Create Staff Access Cards with QR Scan Codes for scanning staff arrivals & departures.
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