Performance Appraisal 

Appraisal Periods are configured by the Administrator and individuals select the relevant period from a drop-down list.
Adding a KPI
Adding a KPI
1. Absolute Scorecard:
KPI’s (with Targets, weightings, Source of Evidence and Score Definitions) are developed and approved by the relevant Manager. Job Profiles with KPI’s can save a lot of time & effort, and help with KPI alignment to the Manager. Managers can use the Manager’s Brief feature as a record of any discussions or requirements.

At the end of an appraisal period, individuals are reminded to score their KPI’s. Because the rating scale has pre-approved score definitions, all that is required is the actual result – epic accurately calculates the ratings and incorporates the weightings to produce the final score.
Score Definition Example
Score Definition Example
Documents can be added as a Portfolio of Evidence and a Training Needs Analysis can be completed as part of the appraisal. Manager signs off and KPI’s can be imported to set up the next period.
An Appraisal Report
An Appraisal Report
A comprehensive PDF report is produced of each individual appraisal (available to individuals and their Managers), and all results for the period can be exported to Microsoft Excel for HR’s records.
Alternative options also available if required include:

2. Numeric scorecard:
This is subjective and requires an agreed rating once the individual and the manager have each completed their own independent rating.

3. Non-numeric scorecard:
Rating scales are categories (Exceeded Expectations; Fully Met; Met Some; Not Met)

Key Functions
  • A formal Performance Appraisal process is customised to specific organisational needs
  • Appraisal Periods are created by the Divisional Administrator
  • Individuals agree to key deliverables (KPI's) with their Manager at the start of the appraisal period
  • Numeric (eg 1 to 5 rating scale) or Non-numeric 'descriptors' (eg Exceeded Expectations) can be used
  • Job Profiles (generic role-specific templates) can be created to define job or role-specific KPI's, Weightings, Targets, and Score Definitions
  • Balanced Scorecard Pillars and weightings can be incorporated
  • Monthly scoring is available and a running total is generated
  • Managers can view monthly progress
  • An 'Absolute' scoring option makes the whole process less subjective
  • Mobile-App enabled

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