
ABC Suites (Pty) Ltd
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” – Ken Blanchard
The Challenge:
At her previous company, Candy Wrapper (CEO) used online software that was freely available to run customer and climate surveys. The challenge was that the questionnaires didn’t look professional enough and the reports were of a poor standard and difficult to analyze.

What they needed was a fully customizable tool that could be branded, cater for any survey requirement (whether external or internal focus) and, most importantly, produce clear & simple reports - all in one place!
How ABC Suites uses epic:
This is exactly what they got from the various epic survey solutions. The set-up is simple and straightforward, highly customizable with many different question types to select from. Reports are highly professional, utilizing graphics where appropriate which makes interpretation & analysis easy.

ABC Suites have appointed an internal ‘Survey Champion’ who configures various surveys in order to solicit important feedback from Customers/Clients, Staff (Climate surveys) as well as Management effectiveness feedback (360’s).

Having access to all reports in one place is a huge advantage.
"Helping organisations get their people passionately focused on the priorities that really matter"