Strategy on a Page ( Model) 

ABC Suites (Pty) Ltd
“The nicest thing about not planning is that failure comes as a complete surprise rather than being preceded by a period of worry and depression.”—Sir John Harvey-Jones

The Challenge
At her previous company, Candy Wrapper experienced the Strategic Review process as an overly complex and drawn out annual event that involved endless presentations, analysis, debate and flip chart exercises.

All this translated into a 20+ page document that was seldom referred to again. This invariably resulted in misalignment, poor communication, a lack of ownership and ultimately, poor execution.

How ABC Suites uses epic:
Thankfully the epic process was a completely different experience.


The journey began with a facilitated offsite Strategic Planning workshop for Candy Wrapper (CEO) and her Senior Team. Led by one of the epic team’s experienced facilitators, everyone was fully engaged from the start.

The epic model evolved on the big screen as the process unfolded and the entire Strategic Plan ended up on One Page!

Strategic Objectives were then Assigned and Individual Owners were then responsible for updating the progress, which was monitored monthly using the epic Strategic Objectives Dashboard.

The resultant Focus, Alignment and clear Accountability ensured that the Strategic Plan was implemented as intended. Everyone left energized and hit the ground running from the moment they got back to the office.

Other features in epic then came into play to help instil behaviours that are consistent with the following 3 Key Disciplines of Execution:
  1. Focus on the Highly Important
  2. Translate high level goals into Specific Actions
  3. Hold each other Accountable - all of the time
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